Saturday 30 May 2015

Forest Road Perception Survey


We are very pleased to inform you that the first stage of engagement on making improvements to Forest Road has now started.

Businesses and residents in the local area will be asked to complete a “Perception Survey” (see link below); and comment on the current street environment and provide views on what they would like the Council to address to enhance the area.

Officers have now organised delivery of the Perception Survey to all addresses within the boundary (see link).  The survey will also be available online, which will be collated and analysed in tandem with the hard copy returns of the questionnaire.

At the same time officers will conduct a face to face survey with all businesses fronting and immediately adjacent to Forest Road for its entire length.  This will provide value information around business views of the Road and key information such as loading and parking data.
The results of the surveys will then be fed into the scheme proposals that will be taken to formal consultation later this year.  We will also feedback the results of the survey to everyone who took part.

Please get in touch with us if you would like to discuss the scheme

Grace, Stuart and Nadeem

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