Friday 1 May 2015

Waltham Forest Walks

Dear local walker
Please find attached and on the website www.walthamforestwalks.info a programme of walks for May and June.  Because the daylight is at its longest I have given an evening option to most of the walks.  The reaction to a walk on a Bank Holiday has been mixed but for most people it makes no difference.
Do please let me know of any mistakes, any aspect of the programme you think might have been improved, and any suggestions you have.  I do know that you are busy people and will have commitments that prevent you from joining walks.  The idea is to make joining the walks as easy as possible (and also to make you feel free to leave a walk whenever you wish).
David Boote
Walking Free in Waltham Forest

077 69 665 447 (for use on the day of a walk)

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