Friday 12 June 2015

London National Park - update

Help Make London The World's First Ever 'National Park City'www.greaterlondonnationalpark.org.uk/ 

We have just 4 days. Please volunteer 3 minutes to help us hit our crowdfunding target [to print and distribute a very special public broadsheet].  


I am writing to you because you have attended one of our campaign meetings to make London the world's first National Park City.

We are at a critical moment in the campaign. Last week a unanimous motion was passed by the London Assembly to support us in our work. This is a great step forward, but I want us to reach out to Londoners across the capital and get their support for this big idea that would effect us all.

The internet is an affordable and efficient way for us all to communicate, but it also creates "bubbles" which are hard to break out of. The best way for us to reach new people is through action, word of mouth and in this one-off occasion... distributing a message in a bold broadsheet format. The purpose of this effort is to reach and engage people who would not otherwise have heard about or engaged with what we are doing. The Greater London National Park City is a grass-roots initiative and we want to keep it that way.

You may well know that we are currently crowdfunding to raise the investment that we need to create, publish and distribute the broadsheet proposal. 202 brilliant backers have helped us to raise an incredible 70% of what we need. We now have just 4 days to raise the other 30% and we can only hit this target with you help. If we don't hit our target we will now see any of the funding.

Will you be a smart phone or arm chair volunteer for us? We need to spread the word and rapidly snowball support so that we can raise the final 30%.

We need to get our message out and share this link to our crowdfunding page:

Please help us by:
  • Tweeting a reason for your support
  • Tweeting someone and asking them for their support
  • Posting on Facebook and asking for your friends to contribute
  • Emailing any networks or groups that you are part of
  • Writing a blog post if you are a blogger
  • Asking your employer, if you have one, to contribute
  • Anything else you can think of that will help us reach our target
Pledges can be as low as £1 and it all counts. Please help us reach our target by Sunday at 21:04 and take a moment to help spread the word.

Please do join us for our next campaign meeting on June 22:

Thank you very much for your time and help.

Daniel & Team

@LondonNP #NationalParkCity

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