Friday 10 July 2015

Walthamstow Garden Party

The Mill will be at the Walthamstow Garden Party!
This year The Mill will be coordinating an E17 Community Marquee at the Walthamstow Garden Party, which is 18 and 19 July in Lloyd Park. We hope you will come and visit us.
We want lots of wonderful community groups and organisations in Walthamstow to take part.  There will be space for everyone – free of charge.
We are organising stalls which are shared by organisations from the same neighbourhood, with a rota of volunteers and groups who will be there at different times over the weekend.
We hope to have lots of interactive displays and to bring lots of volunteer opportunities to visitors.
All groups and organisations who wish to take part need to email Alison as soon as possible to register their interest and get full information.
Individuals wishing to volunteer to help showcase the Walthamstow community and its groups are also very welcome.
Please share this with anyone who may be interested.
More information about the Walthamstow Garden Party at walthamstowgardenparty.com

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