Wednesday 26 August 2015

Mini Holland 26-8-15

Mini Holland

Having driven up to Scotland and back it is clear our roads are at capacity. Even in Northumberland the A1 was a solid jam and the side roads were very busy. Seeing as it is the holiday season I would have expected the roads to be a bit clearer, but everywhere I have been they are at capacity. The worse journey was coming back from Sussex, normally a 2 hour drive and this time 7 hours!

Haringey have decided to make all its roads 20mph and the roundel signs are just being put up - how much waste is this - it is not only a cost to the tax payers but the waste of the natural resources to make the signs. If this is copied across London the cost is huge and the benefits nil unless the police prosecute everyone going over 20mph and what impact will this have on the economy?

Haringey 20mph

Is Mini Holland really going to be the salvation? I think not. So far it has proved a huge waste of public money from unnecessary bus adverts to rebuilding road entrances with fancy brick work. Have cyclists benefited - not as far as I can see. The cycle lane in Hoe Street is dangerous and the Village is a no go area for cyclists as pedestrians are now using the road as a pavement. So far the main beneficiaries appear to be the Village residents as they can now cross the road without having to lookout for traffic. Are we all going to have that level of 1950s quiet communities - I suspect not!!

The latest target is the Whipps Cross Roundabout to wind people up:

Whipps Cross Development of the Mini Holland Scheme.
Following the consultation with the council over the redevelopment of Whipps Cross Roundabout it has come to light that the existing copse of trees on the roundabout is likely to be removed either by felling or "transplanting".
We have it on good authority from both Councillor Loakes and Martin Esom , the Chief Executive of Waltham Forest Council that the council are looking at transplanting the trees to another part of the forest. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to see that to up root a copse of mature ,50 foot tall trees, will end in failure. Some success could be had with the smaller younger trees that stand on their own.

We need to raise awareness of this problem and campaign to save our trees from being covered in tarmac.

Will you join us?

   Best Regards
Graham Hodgkiss
Chairman of the Foresters Drive Residents Association

Heritage Volunteers needed

To: Cllr Grace Williams
Subject: For newsletter inclusion
Hi Grace, I hope you're well.

I was wondering if you might be able to put this in your next newsletter/mailing to help us recruit some volunteers for our project:

Share UK are recruiting up to 10 volunteers to help with their latest heritage project that explores the history of women-led activism in East London. By taking part you will have the opportunity to delve into this fascinating, but under-reported part of history; co-author a report to be archived with leading heritage institutions; and conduct interviews with women activists and their descendants.
Full training is provided, and no previous experience is necessary. The first training date is set for 3rd September, and attendance is a compulsory part of the volunteering.
For more information and to apply visit http://share-uk.org/join-us/
Many thanks!

Epping Forest Consultation

Message from City of London - Epping Forest Consultations

Dear Forest User, 
You have received this email because you are registered on our online consultation system. We hope to hear from as many of you as possible during our Epping Forest - the next 10 years consultation.
If you have had your say already, please disregard this email and accept a big thank-you for participating. If you have started but not completed, please accept this email as a reminder, you have 4 weeks left to make your responses and if you have not joined in yet - what are you waiting for?!
The consultation consists of 6 themes, divided into 58 management issues. It is a comprehensive document covering all manner of issues including recreational activities, signage, habitat management, car parking, planning development, pollution, litter,  licensing, drainage and deer management. We do not expect you to respond to all 58 issues. Of course, if you wish to, you are most welcome! 
Once you have logged in to your account please read through the introduction and strands pages before picking out the themes and issues that interest you from the left hand navigation. Read about each management issue and what we currently do to address it. Then tell us how important you think it is, how much you agree or disagree with our outlined proposals and about any other ideas or suggestions you have.  The consultation is open until 20 September 2015 and you can amend or add to your responses at any point up until it closes.
If you do not wish to receive communications from the Conservators of Epping Forest, or you believe you have received this mail in error, please email epping.forest@cityoflondon.gov.uk with 'Remove - Online consultation' in the subject line.  
We look forward to hearing from you.
The Consultation Team

Boris's Housing Zones

Blackhorse Lane is one of Boris's 18 Housing Zones across London.

Housing Zones

Save our Parks

NATIONAL FEDERATION OF PARKS AND GREEN SPACESThe umbrella organisation for the UK's Friends of Parks Forums and the Friends Groups movement    www.natfedparks.org.uk 

Please forward to all your members, and via social media...
Save and Protect UK ParksLet's make the protection and improvement of our local open spaces a priority!
Please join the effort by widely promoting the 'Save Our Parks' UK petition:http://chn.ge/TXdqhj
We are pleased to report that tens of thousands of people took part in this year's Love Parks Week, July 24th to August 2nd 2015, the annual UK event to promote, protect and improve our vital local public green spaces. As World Parks Day approaches on Saturday September 19th we call on all citizens to continue to speak out for our parks and green spaces as they face an ever-deepening underfunding crisis and increasing threats of development.

The Government's cuts to Local Authorities for our local public services, combined with the lack of statutory protection for open spaces, are causing the most of the problems we are facing. This is provoking a growing number of vociferous and inspiring local grass-roots campaigns and petitioning as local communities mobilise to defend spaces under threat of neglect, privatisation or sell-offs. At the same time the evidence continues to stack up on the vital and unique role our parks play for health, biodiversity, flood control, climate change mitigation, social cohesion and many other essential needs of all sections of all our communities.

Following pressure from UK green space organisations including ourselves, the previous outgoing administration recommended that the newly elected Government consider hosting a National Inquiry into the future funding and management of our parks. Also, a cross-party group of MPs is now calling for a Private Members Bill [Bill 53] to strengthen protective measures.

So please sign and promote the UK 'Save Our Parks' petition to step up the pressure on the Government and all political parties to take seriously the future funding and protection of our vital green spaces. 

1. Sign the petition: http://chn.ge/TXdqhj 
2. Spread the news via Twitter: @LoveParks_Week  #LoveParks
3. Spread the news via Facebook: www.facebook.com/ukparkspetition - and: www.facebook.com/LoveParksWeek 
4. See the Parks Petition webpage: www.natfedparks.org.uk/parks-petition.html - the page includes a paper Sign Up Sheet and leaflets to distribute
5. Ensure your organisation has agreed to back the petition: Join the many others including Groundwork (green space volunteering charity), Fields In Trust (national open spaces safeguarding organisation backed by the Royal Family) and UNISON (Local Government workers union). Let us know.

And please don't forget to support your local green space Friends Group or help set up one for any green space without one!

best wishes

Dave Morris
Chair, National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces