Wednesday 26 August 2015

Epping Forest Consultation

Message from City of London - Epping Forest Consultations

Dear Forest User, 
You have received this email because you are registered on our online consultation system. We hope to hear from as many of you as possible during our Epping Forest - the next 10 years consultation.
If you have had your say already, please disregard this email and accept a big thank-you for participating. If you have started but not completed, please accept this email as a reminder, you have 4 weeks left to make your responses and if you have not joined in yet - what are you waiting for?!
The consultation consists of 6 themes, divided into 58 management issues. It is a comprehensive document covering all manner of issues including recreational activities, signage, habitat management, car parking, planning development, pollution, litter,  licensing, drainage and deer management. We do not expect you to respond to all 58 issues. Of course, if you wish to, you are most welcome! 
Once you have logged in to your account please read through the introduction and strands pages before picking out the themes and issues that interest you from the left hand navigation. Read about each management issue and what we currently do to address it. Then tell us how important you think it is, how much you agree or disagree with our outlined proposals and about any other ideas or suggestions you have.  The consultation is open until 20 September 2015 and you can amend or add to your responses at any point up until it closes.
If you do not wish to receive communications from the Conservators of Epping Forest, or you believe you have received this mail in error, please email epping.forest@cityoflondon.gov.uk with 'Remove - Online consultation' in the subject line.  
We look forward to hearing from you.
The Consultation Team

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