Tuesday 29 September 2015

Mini Holland 29-9-15


Whipps Cross Roundabout

This project grows by the day so it is hard to focus on any particular area but I think one of the worst aspects is the ruination of the Whipps Cross roundabout. The plan is to wreck the rural aspect of this boundary between the urban area and the forest by replacing the roundabout (which works very well) with a T junction with no evidence this will improve anything.

Curiously the cabinet were asked to approve the plans which they did, but it turns out the plans have not been finalised. The 230 bus, which serves Upper Walthamstow, comes back along Wood Street turning left on to the roundabout and then down Lea Bridge Road to Wood Green. The new design removes the roundabout so how does the bus get into Lea Bridge Road?  Well apparently there may be a right turn from Wood Street into Lea Bridge Road but this has not been settled!! How can it not have been settled - if the roundabout is scrapped the only way the bus can continue its journey is to turn right from Wood Street in to Lea Bridge Road. If the bus goes that way presumably all the other traffic will be able to turn right so that will mean traffic lights and further delays to the traffic flow in Lea Bridge Road. This could be another disaster waiting happen!

Only a couple of years ago the highway engineers decided this junction was not standard so they narrowed it and a huge tailback of traffic reached Wood Street station. They had to put back the second lane and traffic flow went back to normal. Messing around with any of Lea Bridge Road is a recipe for disaster.

White Van Man's new vehicle

Orford Road

Air Pollution

Blame Mini Holland

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