Friday 4 September 2015

Refugee Crisis

The refugee crisis is an appalling tragedy but is now being taken seriously by the politicians and positive action will start to flow. Many people will want to get involved and here are some actions that are already being taken:

38 Degrees Campaign

Makeshift Library For Refugees at Calais: They Need More Books!

Monday is not the first day of school for everyone. Refugees at the Calais camp known as 'The Jungle' have no classrooms to go to. Luckily British teacher Mary Jones is doing what she can to help. She opened a makeshift library called Jungle Books that offers the 3,000 refugees recreational and educational books and even runs a school. Jungle Books is dependent on donations and is always looking for more books, especially dictionaries and educational books in the migrants native languages. The teacher says that ' Many people here are well-educated- they want to get on and they want books that will help them read and write English, apply for jobs, fill-in forms'. To support Jungle Books please get in touch with Mary Jones at maryjones@orange.fr... for more information

Emmaus: Calais Aid needed

Our member Emmaus, are always doing what they can to help fight homelessness. Their branch St Albans are now concentrating their efforts on making the life of refugees in the Calais camp dubbed 'The Jungle' a little bit easier. On September 27th they will be heading to Calais for their 7th visit and they need your help! They accept aid in the form of trainers (in good condition!), jackets and basic survival kits. If you think you can help contact them on 01727 817 297.

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