Tuesday 17 November 2015


The item below was spotted on the council web site. Not sure how many residents would see it as a "resident led measure". What is happening now after 30 years or so is the council use CPZs to raise revenue from some residents, not all, and force residents to demand a CPZ as the impact from one area impacts on the next area. Church Lane had a CPZ installed a year or so ago this forced more parked vehicles onto Vallentin Road. A CPZ was then put in on Vallentin Road and now Fyfield Road is inundated with parked vehicles. Next month a CPZ will go in part of Fyfield Road so the parking will move to the non CPZ area until the residents complain and then the CPZ will be expanded again.

Why don't they either raise the council tax or put a blanket CPZ across the whole Borough so that everyone pays instead of this pointless piecemeal approach.

This is a result of residents complaining about parking difficulties they are experiencing. Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) are a resident led measure where priority is given to residents and business to having an increased chance of finding a parking space near their home.


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