Wednesday 4 November 2015

Mini Holland 4-11-15

Mini Holland

Lea Bridge Road consultation underway

Ian Duncan Smith MP calls for rethink

The future for deliveries


Mini Holland Update: Lea Bridge Road and Response from Council re Six Month Review 
This week I have been informed that the consultation of the remaining sections of the Lea Bridge Road, Mini Holland Scheme has been launched. The consultation will be run through the on-line Common Place system however they will also be producing a consultation document that will be available on-line, in hard copy form on-request and in libraries and at information points for those people who cannot access the website. If you do not receive the consultation document in the next few weeks please contact the Mini -Holland teamand your local Councillors

So too, I have now received a response from the Council to my letter of the 23 September regarding a number of issues which I will circulate shortly to all those who have been in touch with me about this proposal. I can confirm that the council will be conducting a review of this scheme, but that this will not take place until Summer 2016 and will not be used to influence the proposals being currently implemented which will go ahead on the current timescale. As there are a number of documents that have been sent to me by the Council I hope to be able to circulate these to local residents in the next week, so if you have not already signed up for my updates on this matter and would like to read these please reply to this email by Tuesday 3 November. 

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