Tuesday 17 November 2015

Sleeping Beauty

: WoodhousePlayers Membership <woodhouse.members@gmail.com>

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The Woodhouse Players present their annual pantomime 'Sleeping Beauty' by Kevin Jannetts -  8th, 9th, 15th and 16th January 2016

All is not well in the Kingdom of Leytonstonia!
Evil Fairy, Carabosse, has cast a spell, leaving Princess Rose seemingly dead after pricking her finger on a spinning wheel. Luckily, Good Fairy, Iridessa, has changed the spell so that Rose is only asleep. But can Dame Dottie Drawers snare a handsome prince for herself and find the princess's one true love in time to ensure a happy ever after?!
Join the Woodhouse Players for our production of this traditional story, full of fun, laughs, songs and speed-dating!

Performance dates:
Performances are at the Welsh Church Hall, 881 High Road E11 1HR:
- Friday 8th January at 8 pm
- Saturday 9th January at 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm
- Friday 15th January at 8 pm
- Saturday 16th January at 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm (BSL-signed)

Ticket prices:
Advance booking (email/online/phone):  £8 (£5 concessions)
Pay on door (unbooked):  £9 (£6 concessions)

Book online via the website www.woodhouseplayers.co.uk
Phone/email reservations 020 8504 3872/ tickets@woodhouseplayers.co.uk

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