Saturday 14 November 2015

South Grove Consultation

Dear  Waltham Forest - Our Community,

Public consultation starting on new proposals for Land at South Grove, Walthamstow

I am writing on behalf of Hadley Property Group, regarding our proposals to transform the underused land at South Grove, close to St James Street Station, into high quality new homes alongside new public spaces and other benefits for local people.

Waltham Forest Borough Council has identified this site as a key town centre regeneration area, currently being used as an underused Council-run car park, truck stop, offices and light industrial units. As you may be aware, in 2013 Morrisons secured a planning consent for a large new supermarket and 245 homes, together with car parking at ground level. However, these plans did not come forward.

Earlier this year Hadley Property Group (HPG), in a joint venture with Osprey Equity Partners, agreed with the Council that we would bring forward new development proposals for this important site.

We are at the early stages of developing our proposals, but they will include a range of new homes (including affordable housing), a small convenience retail space or restaurant, new landscaped public spaces as well as pedestrian and cycle routes through the site. As the site has excellent pedestrian and public transport links, we are proposing a car-free development with a focus on improving cycling infrastructure on and around the site.

We want to ensure local people genuinely benefit from the transformation of this site and we aim to deliver an exceptional and well-designed place that both new and existing residents can enjoy.

We are about to start a public consultation process ahead of submitting a planning application. We would like to hear your views so that we can feed these into the design process and have therefore organised public exhibition events at two separate venues at the following dates and times:

·       Thursday 26 November:  5pm – 8pm - The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill lane, Walthamstow, London, E17 7HA

·       Saturday 28 November: 10am – 3pm - Walthamstow Library, High St, Walthamstow, E17 7JN

As there was significant interest in the previous proposals for the site, we have set aside an additional hour between 4pm and 5pm on Thursday 26 November so that those with a particular interest in the site can view the proposals and have one-to-one discussions with the project team. The exhibition will then open to the general public from 5pm, but you are of course welcome to attend at any time over the two days.

At these events we will be gathering feedback from local people before submitting a planning application to the Council in Spring 2016.

If you are unable to attend one of the public exhibitions, our consultation website - www.southgrove.co.uk - will also feature all of our consultation materials once the public exhibitions start and you will be able to comment online.

In the meantime, if you would like any further information please feel free to email the consultation team at southgrove@londoncommunications.co.uk or phone 0800 307 7589 to leave a message and a member of the team will get back to you shortly.

We look forward to meeting you soon.

Yours sincerely,

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