Wednesday 4 November 2015

Update from Antic

EMD Walthamstow

We are delighted to announce that we have reached an agreement to acquire the former EMD Cinema, Walthamstow, from UCKG, and are extremely grateful to them for enabling us to do so and for their custodianship over the years. We are fully conversant with its most recent history and welcome the opportunity of being able to breathe life back into this beautiful entertainment venue, and in so doing, put the building firmly back at the heart of Walthamstow. Plans are currently being pulled together to facilitate the required investment and we look forward to working with our partners, both old and new, to ensure a bright future for the EMD. It has lain fallow long enough and thus we shall lose no time in moving things forward…

October ’15 Update

After a number of false dawns we are delighted to report that the asbestos removal is almost complete and the rodents have largely been dealt with.
We shall soon begin work on our Foyer pop-up pub, with an eye to getting it up and running in time for the late festive season.
Thank you all for your kinds words of support and we very much look forward to seeing you in at least part of the  building in the next month or so.

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