Friday 4 March 2016

LBWF Council Parking Policy

 Council Parking Policy

Parking Pledges:

Pledge 1: One hour of free parking from 1pm to 2pm in Town Centres across the Borough.

Pledge 2: Modernise the way we make payments by incentivising cashless payments through a paper-based parking voucher premium.

Pledge 3: Continue to roll out our Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) programme, and spend any surplus income arising from residents permits generated from this programme in the ward it was generated from

Pledge 4: Cover the true cost of visitor parking permits and continue to gift a free booklet to parents of new born babies and residents over 60 years.

Pledge 5: Keep the cost of residents’ First Standard Permit within the lowest 30% in London whilst still covering operational costs. To do this, prices will go up by £10 to £35 per year. We will continue to give free permits to carers in receipt of DWP Carers Allowance.

Pledge 6: Incentivising low emission vehicles; phased introduction of emissions based permits in line with DVLA emission bandings for Residents, Business and Charity permits. 

Pledge 7: Introduce a new School Staff permit.

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