Friday 25 March 2016

FRP Food Waste Project

FRP (Forest Recycling Project) is working with the Best Before Project to run an exciting new Food Waste Project in Waltham Forest.
New volunteers will be attempting to change opinions and challenge assumptions on Best Before dates on food by diverting usable food from being thrown away, distributing Best Before food to the local community and engaging with retailers around what happens to the food they don’t sell.
This project will be run by passionate volunteers so FRP need people with great initiative and creative ideas.
Activities may include:
• Setting up a food distribution hub in your local community
• Talking to local retailers about how to better deal with (and prevent) their food waste
• Running a rescued food stall at a local market
• Collections of food that would otherwise be disposed of
• Putting on exciting events to show people that food after its Best Before date can still be good
FRP welcomes any new and exciting ideas. Ideally they'll be providing inspiration, information, networking and support to individuals that are already motivated to challenge food waste in their local area.

FRP have set a provisional date for an initial volunteer meeting in the evening of April 1st (no kidding).
Please get in touch with Angela for more info: angela@frponline.org.uk

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