Friday 18 March 2016

London Assembly Newsletter

Tube signal
Bombardier BungleTfL has spent £85 million to get out of a failed signalling contract with Bombardier Transport. It now has almost £900 million less to spend on transport improvements in the capital - and the Tube upgrade programme is five years behind schedule. The Budget & Performance Committee report, 'Transport for London's Signal Failure', examines the circumstances behind the appointment of Bombardier Transport and draws attention to a culture of denial about the progress of the programme at TfL.
Read the report
Crowd of people
London's environmental timebomb
London’s population is increasing by 100,000 every year, and could reach 13.4 million by 2050. The Environment Committee report, ‘Growing, growing, gone’ identifies the challenges to accommodate London’s growth. 
Read the report
British Transport Police
Wake up to 24 hour Tube crime
The Metropolitan Police has stated that crime levels will not be affected by the introduction of the Night Tube; however in this report, thePolice & Crime Committee found that sexual offences and other crimes are likely to rise.
Read the report
Motorcyclist in bus lane
Protect London's motorcyclists
Accidents and fatalities on motorcycles are rising in London. Could allowing motorcyclists to use more bus lanes be a solution to improving safety? The Transport Committee report, ‘Easy Rider’, explores the issues of motorcycle safety and makes a number of recommendations to TfL. 
Read the report
Mum and pram
Expand childcare in London
Childcare in London remains more expensive than in any other part of the country. So will the Government’s extension of free childcare, from 15 to 30 hours, help? The Economy Committee has written to the Secretary of State for Education, Nicky Morgan, about the challenges childcare providers will face. 
Read the letter
Dying well depends on where you live
Does good end of life care depend on your age, whether you live alone, your diagnosis or economic status?  Does it depend on which London borough you live in? The Health Committee writes to the Mayor with a number of recommendations. 
Read more here
The value of a Land Value Tax
London faces a shortage of areas ripe for development. Could a new Land Value Tax provide incentive to build over 200,000 new homes in the capital?  The Housing Committee report, ‘Tax Trial’, explores the potential of a Land Value Tax in London. 
Read the report
On 21 March the pre-election period begins, ahead of the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections on 5 May. Find out more about the elections here: www.londonelects.org.uk.

The next public meeting will be the Annual Meeting on 13 May at 10:00am. A new Assembly Chair and Chairs of the Committees will be elected.

You are welcome to attend this public meeting or watch the webcast here.

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