Friday 18 March 2016

London Bike Kitchen


35% funded already!

The London Bike Kitchen (LBK) kicked off their crowdfunder with a ‘cakestarter’ last Thursday evening. Look Mum No Hands was full of friends and fans of LBK, and a winner for the best cake (leopard-print vegan peanut butter cake) was awarded. LBK aim to raise £15,000 in four weeks to open a much-clamoured-for second workshop space in Hackney.
LBK will be celebrating their 4th birthday on Wed 23rd March, so they must be doing something right. But the winter season is still a financially difficult time for them (as it is for most bike shops), and they are looking to diversify their income streams in order to thrive during the colder months. A second workshop would help them teach more classes, including their very popular Build Your Own Bike (BYOB) classes, as well as start doing repairs for people, and sell more parts and accessories.
There’s a bunch of insane prizes for crowdfunder supporters, including reflective bandannas designed by an in-house LBK artist, getting yourself tattooed for lifetime membership, and buying a class for the neighbourhood kids.

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