Friday 11 March 2016

Mini Holland Update 11-3-16


Forest Road Consultation

Markhouse Village Consultation
Drop in to Kelmscott School, Markhouse Road, on Monday 14th March between 6pm and 9pm to discuss the Mini Holland plans.
Drop In

From Stella Creasy MP's Newsletter

Mini Holland Update: Copenhagen Crossings and E17Streets4All Meeting 
As the Mini Holland project around Walthamstow progresses, residents have been in touch regarding the Copenhagen Crossings. Waltham Forest Council has produced a guide to explain these crossings and their purpose which you can find here. 
The Local Authority have confirmed that whilst they will continue to increase awareness around these crossings, they will monitor the changes to ensure they are performing well and any potential safety issues identified. This will include a further independent road safety audit to understand user behaviour at the crossings. They will also be placing more signs in the area to make road users aware of the road changes ahead.

The local community group which is opposed to this scheme, E17Streets4all, have asked me to let residents kow that they will be meeting on Tuesday 8th March, 7pm at St Michaels Church Hall, E17 6PQ. For more information please email them. 

Destruction of Whipps Cross Roundabout begins:

Protestors ignored



 The new layout

Even More Public Money Wasted

Battle Rages in Clapton

Suffragettes Join In

Boris Under Pressure

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