Friday 4 March 2016

News from WVRA

Walthamstow Village news & events
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WVRA Gardening Day - Saturday 5 March

This Saturday is the first Saturday of the month and so, come rain or shine, it's Gardening Day! Please meet at the Village Square, on the corner of Eden/Orford Roads at 10.30 am. 

Our RHS Britain in Bloom - 2016 Finalist banner has arrived and we want to take publicity photos of everyone with it so please, if you have helped our Bloom efforts by volunteering, sponsoring, donating and/or competing in the Garden Challenges, come along and have your picture taken! The banner will then be displayed in the Village Square for all to see. 

This month, after weeding and tidying the Square we will be clearing up Vinegar Alley and removing litter and debris so the woodland plants we've put in can breath properly and are shown off to their best advantage. We'll then split up into twos and threes to visit the Village planters to dead-head any daffodils that have "gone-over". If you have them kindly bring gloves, hand-tools including secateurs and wear old clothes and sturdy shoes. 

Exciting Plans for 2016 - Orchard Project, Village Square and Orford Road tree-pits

Your Walthamstow Village in Bloom team has great plans for 2016 - and we need your help!

This year we are targeting three new areas:
  1. The new Village Square - we are planting hundreds of pollinator-friendly flowering plants.
  2. Orford Road tree-pits - we are planting 60+ flowering plants in the new tree-pits in the pedestrianised area. 
  3. Chalmers House Orchard Project - we are planting 14 fruit trees and creating a flowerbed along the railings in the grounds opposite Orford House. 
Jakob Hartmann of Pembroke Road is leading these projects, for more information and to support these projects please visit:  http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/walthamstow-village-in-bloom-2016/ or call Jakob on 07973 137512

Dates for your Diary

Saturday 2 April - Annual Village Spring Clean - 10.30 am
Walthamstow Village in Bloom 2016 launches with the hugely enjoyable Annual Spring Clean! We will have a long list of jobs including litter-picking, painting street furniture and gardening. You can get stuck into these or tackle an area that's been bothering you. Please meet at the Village Square on the corner of Orford & Eden Roads at 10.30am in old clothes and sturdy shoes/boots. LBWF and the WVRA are supplying all equipment. A free picnic lunch for all volunteers will be held on Vestry Green, by the Museum, at 12.30. This event is lots of fun and suitable for all ages and abilities. 

Tuesday 5 April - London in Bloom Seminar
This year Walthamstow Village will be hosting the prestigious annual London in Bloom entrants and judges' seminar at the Vestry House Museum; one of the activities is a mock judging around the Village to ensure everyone is working to a standard. It would be great if we could have some volunteers please to help us serve refreshments on the day - please contact Helen if you're available. 

Saturday 16 April - 10.30 am we are holding a BIG DIG to plant the fruit trees, the tree-pits and the Village Square! Lots of volunteers of all ages and abilities are needed so please put the date in your diary.  

Sunday 17 April - The Great Village Plant & Seed Swap at the Vestry House Museum 12-4pm
Please bring your excess seeds, plants and seedlings, terracotta pots, gardening books and magazines and swap them for something different. Horticultural experts will be on hand to identify plants and give advice. We will be joined by BEE17, our not-for-profit community bee-keeping project, selling Village honey and honey products in aid of Walthamstow Village in Bloom. 

For more news, information and photos please search Facebook groups for Walthamstow Village in Bloom. Or email Helen: helen@walthamstowvillage.net
Many thanks for your ongoing support. 
Best wishes,
Helen, Teresa, John, and Jakob
2016 Walthamstow Village in Bloom Team

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13 Eden Grove
London, Wft E17 9JU
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