As Overground rail line closure looms, commuters are urged to check their fares won’t be higher. As preparations are made for the start of an 8-month line closure starting on 4th June, the Barking – Gospel Oak Rail User Group strongly urged rail travellers to attend Transport for London advice sessions being held at stations. The Group today launched its new leaflet2 drawing attention to the “drop-in” advice sessions that Transport for London (TfL) is holding through the rest of this month and in early May to advise passengers how to make their journeys while the line is closed. 

BGORUG members attending the first advice session at Barking station on Monday 18th April were dismayed to learn from the advisors that some passengers could be paying higher fares when using alternative routes. The line is popular with commuters because it does not pass through Zone 1. Glenn Wallis, BGORUG Secretary said, “TfL was asked by BGORUG to ensure that regular passengers would not be paying more in fares when having to use alternative routes. Unfortunately, it seems that some passengers certainly will be charged more.” 

Passengers likely to be affected are those having to make additional bus journeys or those who have to change trains in Zone 1. “Passengers who have to change trains in Zone 1 must plan a route that does not involve passing through ticket gates,” said Glenn Wallis, “Otherwise they will be charged a Zone 1 fare.” WILL YOUR FARE INCREASE WHEN LINE CLOSES? 

Please find attached a copy of a letter sent today by email to BGORUG's nominated contact at Transport for London. It seeks answers to the queries around fares protection for passengers making their diverted journeys during the line closure that were thrown up by the 'drop-in session' at Barking on Monday.

Should BGORUG ever receive answers to questions posed, we will of course let you know!

BGORUG will produce its own notes of the meeting with TfL on 10 March if no minutes are forthcoming from TfL.

I would draw your attention to the following:

Saturday 16 April 2016

Walthamstow Town Centre redevelopment

Once again the Town Centre is under threat from a totally inappropriate development which can only be justified by how much the developers intend to make out of it. Last week displays were exhibited in the Mall of plans to demolish part of the existing shopping centre and rebuild it on a third of the existing open space. So not only do we lose a third of the valuable open space but the shopping centre will be closed while the work progresses. No chance to improve the bus station.

As if that was not bad enough a 27 storey block is proposed somewhere around the existing delivery yard. Having recently visited Ilford it is clear huge tower blocks do nothing to enhance an area and in Ilford's case it is pretty decrepit and depressing to visit.

To further rub our noses in it the developers held focus groups but we were only allowed to discuss how we would like to see the shrubs laid out in the remaining open space. This was an insult because clearly Capital and Regional have decided what will make them the most money and are using the Area Action Plan to justify their awful scheme. I don't hold out much hope of our councillors engaging with the public to stop this wrecking of the heart of Walthamstow.

Walthamstow Town Centre is a vibrant shopping centre surrounded by much loved Victorian terraces. It has a very busy market and a 27 storey tower block will spoil the atmosphere of the market and probably kill it off. With pressure from the new developments at the St James Street end (Essex Brewery site and South Grove Car Park site) more people will be using the High Street which cannot cope with the existing crowds. When will our councillors engage with residents and encourage developments which will enhance the area rather than increase the profits of the developers?

Standard Pub

How to make a mark on the street scene!!

And when will the cycle shed arrive! Why not transfer the Wood Street one as it is never used?  - clearly there is a desperate need for one at Blackhorse Road station.

Essex Brewery Site


Planning Application 153337

Just behind St James Street station the following has been agreed:

The Proposal 3.16 The application proposes the demolition of the existing buildings and the redevelopment of the Site to deliver 183 residential units of a mix of tenures and unit sizes, along with private and shared amenity space and car and cycle parking. 3.17 The proposals would also deliver 478 sqm (GEA) of commercial space (A1/A2/A3/A4/B1/D1/D2) split between three units. 3.18 The residential units are to be arranged on the Site as follows:  Within a 5 - 7 storey linear building (Building A) abutting the western boundary of the Site;  Within a 4 - 8 storey ‘U’ shaped building, (Building B) fronting South Grove and Brunner Road, and located on the middle to eastern section of the Site. 3.19 The 183 proposed units would consist of the following unit mix: Unit mix Units proposed % of total 1b2p 64 35 2b3p 5 3 2b4p 91 50 3b5p 3 2 3b6p 20 11 Total 183 100 3.20 The scheme will deliver 478 sqm of commercial floorspace divided between three retail units as follows: Unit Floor area sqm (GEA) 1 182 2 167 3 129 3.21 The affordable housing offer is to be at 14% on site affordable housing provision with this being in 100% shared ownership. 

Essex Brewery Plans Approved

What it will look like

Site History

Woodhouse Players

To: WoodhousePlayers Membership <members@woodhouseplayers.co.uk>

Woodhouse Players logo

The Woodhouse Players present 'Resilience' by Steve Waters -  20th, 21st, 27th and 28th May 2016.
Inline images 1

"I'm not prepared to be the minister who consigned Nelson's column to the North Sea."
Rising tides and colossal waves threaten to sink the U.K. Our only hope is a bright young glaciologist, somewhat reluctantly recruited by an increasingly desperate, newly-elected Tory Government. Torn between two ministers, our protagonist finds himself the victim of departmental rivalries, cautious advisers and a distaste for acronyms; when action is finally taken, will it be too late to avert a national crisis?
First performed in 2009 at the Bush Theatre, Resilience is genuinely chilling in its prediction of events that have happened since, and even more so as a prediction of a not unrealistic future.
"'Resilience' [...] for sheer emotional intensity, has no rival on the London stage"
The Guardian

"The playwright Steve Waters combines the satirical scariness of J G Ballard with the silken argufying of Bernard Shaw or David Hare: it's a total bust as the Antarctic glaciers melt and Skegness is threatened with extinction"
The Independent

Please note: This production contains strong language throughout.

Performance dates:
Performances are at the Welsh Church Hall, 881 Leytonstone High Road E11 1HR:
- Friday 20th May at 8 pm
- Saturday 21st May at 2:30 pm and 8 pm
- Friday 27th May at 8 pm
- Saturday 28th May at 2:30 pm (BSL-signed) and 8 pm

Ticket prices:
Advance booking (email/online/phone):  £8 (£5 concessions)
Pay on door (unbooked):  £9 (£6 concessions)

Book online via the website www.woodhouseplayers.co.uk
Phone/email reservations 020 8504 3872/ tickets@woodhouseplayers.co.uk


Forest Philharmonic

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Strauss, Mozart, Beethoven
Sunday 24 April, 6.30pm

MOZART  Don Giovanni Overture
MOZART  Arias from Don Giovanni
BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 6, Pastoral

Mark Shanahan  Conductor
Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Featured in Disney’s Fantasia, Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony is full of the sounds of the countryside, from the sound of brooks and shepherds to a dramatic storm. The first half of the concert tells to the story of the character Don Juan and his many encounters with women that eventually lead to his downfall.

Free pre-concert talk downstairs at 5.30pm in the Jubilee Room.

Your orchestra,
Forest Philharmonic

PS  Something for the diary.
On Sunday 26 June 2016the Orchestra will be playing Dvorak
Witch, Wind Serenade op. 44 and Strauss Ein Heldenleben at the Walthamstow Assembly Hall.  We hope you can join us for this fantastic concert!


Tickets £10-£15
Concessions £8-£12
under 26s/students £3

Buy online

Reserve by email

Visit our website
Copyright © 2016 Forest Philharmonic, All rights reserved.
members of Forest Philharmonic emailing list

Our mailing address is:
Forest Philharmonic
22 Tower Hamlets Road
London, England E17 4RH
United Kingdom

Wood Street goes up market

Wood Street is likely not to have fresh milk deliveries anymore but pictures of fetus are readily available at a cost!!

Fetus party pics

Another curiosity about this organisation is their geography. Apparently Wood Street is now in North London and East London is Bexleyheath.

There are times I know I am getting old and in a bygone age!!

Parker Dairies

From Stella Creasy MP's Newsletter

Parker Dairies- Callout for Help to Find them an E17 Home! 
This week, Parker Dairies, who have been delivering Milk to Walthamstow residents for 120 years have been in touch to let residents know that unfortunately their lease at their current site in Wood Street will not be renewed as their landlord have requested this space.

This means Parker Dairies are looking for a new home from the autumn of this year where they can operate their 26 milk rounds from with space for parking 18 electric milk floats and 5 vans. They are keen to stay within the Waltham Forest area and need approximately 10,000 sq feet. Finding such a space is proving difficult so if readers of this e-newsletter are able to help Parker Dairies with their request for assistance please respond to this email and I will put you in touch. 

I hope the Planners will reject any plans for this site as a community asset i.e. having fresh milk delivered to my doorstep in time for breakfast is a real asset. If the planning process is to have any relevance this site must remain as a dairy/distribution  site - not more housing!    Adrian

Ice Centre Redevelopment

From Stella Creasy MP's Newsletter

Lee Valley Ice Centre Feasibility Exercise- Have Your Say
Over the past 4 months, Lee Valley Park, have been looking at the feasibility of a new Ice Centre on Lea Bridge Road to replace the highly successful but ageing one (it is now over 33 years old). The first stage of the exercise involved assessing the business case for a new twin pad Centre (two rinks rather than the one at the current venue). They concluded that there is indeed a strong business case for a new venue. The second stage, which they have just concluded, has focused on identifying the optimum site for a new venue. They have now identified three possible sites for this - the existing site in Waltham Forest,  Eton Manor in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park or the Picketts Lock site in Enfield.

They are holding a series of stakeholder/local community engagement sessions at the end of April to present the outcomes of the feasibility exercise and to explain how they have arrived at the selection of a particular site. Dates for these sessions at the current Ice Centre are as follows 
  • Wed 27th April-5-6pm Centre users, 7-8pm local community
  • Sat 30th April- 1030-1130 Centre users
  • Sat 30th April -1-3.30 Filter Beds and Marshes Group (existing group of local users/residents) please note this will be at the Waterworks centre 
Notices will be posted around the Lea Bridge Road area about these plans and they will also do a leaflet drop of local residences in the next couple of weeks. Please look out for these sessions if you are interested in the future of this facility. 

News From Nowhere

just to remind you of our next meeting - hope you can come.
Patron: Peter Hennessy
Founded in 1996, the club challenges the commercialisation & isolation of modern life.  We meet monthly on Saturday evening.
‘Fellowship is life & the lack of fellowship is death’.  William Morris

Saturday 9th April 2016

ABE GIBSON POET     Speaker/ performer: Abe Gibson
Formerly Poet in Residence at London Transport Museum,Writer in Residence at Feltham Young Offenders Institute and Ronnie Scott Club performer, Abe has a formidable way with words, accents & mannerisms, and delights audiences with his charming, funny, acutely observed characters. As a caretaker on a Hackney Council estate for 25 years, he’s used this opportunity to closely study people from all walks of life and portrays them at least as well as many professional actors. Abe will explain how and why he writes and performs, and treat us to a rendition of some of his favourite poems. His poetry collection ‘Violently Tender’will be on sale. There is likely to be some (voluntary) audience participation.
Venue Epicentre, West Street, Leytonstone E11 4LJ 
Times 7.30 pm   Buffet (bring something if you can)  
           8.00 pm   Talk & discussion till 10pm

Travel Stratford stations & 257 bus  Leytonstone tube (exit left) & 257/W14 bus   Overground: Leytonstone High Rd, turn right and short walk

Access  Disabled access, car park, bikes can be brought in, quiet children welcome. You can phone to confirm the talk will be as shown. Meetings open to all - just turn up.
Enquiries  0208 555 5248   Free entry / voluntary donations welcome / raffle
donations welcome / raffle

News from the Mill

News for our supporters of what's happening in April - and the first event in May ...

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April 2016 Newsletter
This newsletter gives details of events and activities at, or in support of, The Mill during April and and advance notice of the Star Wars Family Fun Day in May.

We hope you will mark your diary accordingly and come along on ...
  • Thursday 7 April – Launch of Sketched & Drawn  art exhibition
  • Sunday 10 April – St Barnabas Sunday Concert in aid of The Mill
  • Tuesday 19 April – start of a new activity - Social Sewing
  • Saturday 30 April – first of “Tales from the Marshes” creative workshops for girls and mothers
  • Saturday 7 May – Star Wars Family Fun Day @ The Mill
Read on for more information ...

Sketched and Drawn - new exhibition

Curated by local artist Jason Hawkridge, the exhibition features sketches and drawings by Walthamstow residents young and old, with themes and styles from the old to the new,and  from the impulsive to the refined.

Enable image display to see picture

Launch on Thursday 7 April - 6pm-8.30pm
At the launch you can meet the artists and enjoy some refreshments. We look forward to welcoming you.

Exhibition open Friday 8 April to Saturday 21 May
If you can't attend the launch you can come along during Mill opening hours to view the exhibition on the walls of the living room.,

For more details you can email artworks@themill-coppermill.org

A musical treat in aid of The Mill

Sunday Concert - 10 April, 4pm-5pm
St Barnabas Church, E17 8JZ

The Mill is very proud and excited to be the chosen charity for the next St Barnabas Sunday Concert at St Barnabas Church, E17 8JZ
Please come along, show your support for The Mill and enjoy some beautiful singing by three professional opera singers with a wonderfully wide repertoire of classical and popular music. Soprano, Gillian Keith and tenor, Tom Randle, will be joined by mezzo-soprano, Diana Moore and accompanied by pianist, John Reid.
Attendance is free, but a donation of £5-£10 will be appreciated, and all proceeds will go to The Mill. 
Enable image display to see pictureThe performers will present a programme called Poetry in E-Motion featuring the music of composers who were influenced and inspired by the work of a particular poet. The music in Poetry in E-Motion is diverse, beautiful and poignant, and also aims to be informative with songs and operatic arias by Schubert, Mozart, Samuel Barber, Gerald Finzi and others.
The concert will last approximately 40 minutes after which you can enjoy refreshments -  including tea, coffee, wine and cakes.

The Tuesday Sociable Sewing Group

10am - 1pm on alternate Tuesdays, starting 19 April

Enable image display to see pictureBring your sewing: patchwork, mending, darning or have fun with a new fabric project.

Learn a new skill or sew in company. An excellent teacher on hand with help and advice.

£1 donation + small costs for materials.

For more information email: 

Tales from the Marsh

Creative Workshops for Girls & Mothers
Saturdays 10.15am -12.15pm – starting 30 April

There will be a half-term break, so please check all dates with the organiser.*

Enable image display to see pictureTo create material that will be brought together in the summer performance exhibition on 9 and 10 July

Tales from the Marsh is part of a research project supervised under the Drama and History departments at Royal Holloway University of London. It is funded through a Waltham Forest Arts Development Grant and a Royal Holloway University of London research scholarship.

* Places are limited so please contact workshop facilitator, Siobhan O’Neill for further information or to book a place. Call 0798 951 9522 or emailSiobhan.ONeill.2014@live.rhul.ac.uk

Enable image display to see picture


Three years it has been since the young Jedi and Padawan of Walthamstow and galaxies beyond came to The Mill for a Star Wars spectacular afternoon.

The seventh instalment of the Star Wars heptalogy has whet our appetite once more. Come and take part in:
  • Jedi Knight Training
  • Tatooine's Got Talent
  • Craft activities
  • Face painting
  • Cakes out of this world
  • Come dressed as your favourite character
Entrance £3 (children) on the door will access to all activities. For more information email: info@themill-coppermill.org
Copyright © 2016 The Mill, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up as a supporter of The Mill community Centre

Our mailing address is:
The Mill
7-11 Coppermill Lane
London, Eng E17 7HA
United Kingdom

Organiclea Buddy Scheme


Organiclea Buddy Scheme needs volunteer gardeners

Organiclea is looking for volunteer support gardeners at Hawkwood Community Plant Nursery to ‘buddy’ other volunteers who have higher support needs.

Now in its fourth year, Organiclea’s Buddy Scheme trains volunteers to support others to participate in gardening at Hawkwood Community Plant Nursery.

Organiclea is growing people as well as plants and are able to welcome a diversity of volunteers because of the support given by volunteer buddies. Buddy gardeners support volunteers with learning and physical difficulties, language barriers and ill mental health.

Through the training session and practical experience, buddy gardeners will explore permaculture, community, how to create an inclusive atmosphere and the therapeutic benefits of working in nature and community.

This year, Organiclea will run the scheme 3 times, each lasting 12 weeks on the following dates;
  • Week Commencing 25th April - w/c 13th July (Training on Weds 20th Apr)
  • Week commencing 27th June - w/c 12th Sept (Training on Weds 22nd June)
  • Week commencing 29th Aug – w/c 14th Nov (Training on Weds 24th Aug)
There is an option to get involved on either Tuesdays (1-5pm) or on Wednesdays (10-5pm with lunch provided) so please specify which day you prefer.

Please note that you must be available to attend training dates specified above before you begin as a Volunteer Buddy.

To join or for more information
Contact Farook , 020 8524 4994 or farook@organiclea.org.uk  

Rights of Way meeting

Rights of way have not been mapped for much of Waltham Forest and any rights of way that haven’t been mapped by 2026 may disappear. 

We’ll be holding an informal meeting to talk about this on Wednesday 13 April. Gathering in the garden of the Nag’s Head, Orford Road, Walthamstow 
between 6.30pm and 7pm, we'll explore a few of the nearby alleyways and discuss how we can ensure they recorded on the official map.

For more information, please contact Abi on abigail.woodman@btinternet.com.

Closure of Barking to Gospel Oak - update

Following a meeting with Transport for London (TfL), BGORUG submitted its proposals for alternative arrangements for passengers during the part and full closures of the Barking - Gospel Oak line during electrification works later this year and continuing into 2017. BGORUG has now submitted proposals (attached) to bring 4-car electric trains to the line from June 2017, 11 months ahead of TfL's current plan.

Latest from BGORUG

Please find attached a copy of BGORUG's press release issued today.

  • Weekend services on the Barking - Gospel Oak line have now ended until June 2017

  • The weekday service between Barking and South Tottenham will end on 3rd June

  • The weekday service over the rest of the line to Gospel Oak will end on 23rd September

  • Weekday services will resume in February 2017

This is to allow Network Rail to electrify the line.

For full information please refer to the press release.


Further to BGORUG's press release on 4 April ( http://tinyurl.com/juuaquc  ), today (6 April) both Network Rail and Transport for London issued almost identical press releases about the approaching blockade of the line for electrification works:


These press releases do not give any details of alternative arrangements for passengers but announce "drop in sessions" at each of the line's stations where Network Rail and TfL staff will be on hand to discuss the project with passengers and offer advice about alternative routes while the line is closed. It is likely that these "drop in sessions" will be the first time that any literature giving details of alternative arrangements for displaced passengers will be available.

So far, BGORUG has received no feedback from TfL concerning the proposals we made to them for passengers affected by the closure and the urgent need for 4-car electric trains.

Passengers are strongly advised to attend one of these "drop in sessions" and seek the assistance of TfL staff in planning your alternative route(s) while the line is closed. 

  • Barking, Monday 18 April, 16:00 to 19:00
  • Woodgrange Park, Tuesday 19 April, 16:00 to 19:00
  • Wanstead Park, Wednesday 20 April, 16:00 to 19:00
  • Leytonstone High Road, Thursday 21 April, 16:00 to 19:00
  • Leyton Midland Road, Friday 22 April, 16:00 to 19:00
  • Walthamstow Queens Road, Monday 25 April, 16:00 to 19:00
  • Blackhorse Road, Tuesday 26 April, 16:00 to 19:00
  • South Tottenham, Wednesday 27 April, 16:00 to 19:00
  • Harringay Green Lanes, Thursday 28 April, 16:00 to 19:00
  • Crouch Hill, Tuesday 3 May, 16:00 to 19:00
  • Upper Holloway, Wednesday 4 May, 16:00 to 19:00
  • Gospel Oak, Thursday 5 May, 16:00 to 19:00