Friday 8 April 2016

News From Nowhere

just to remind you of our next meeting - hope you can come.
Patron: Peter Hennessy
Founded in 1996, the club challenges the commercialisation & isolation of modern life.  We meet monthly on Saturday evening.
‘Fellowship is life & the lack of fellowship is death’.  William Morris

Saturday 9th April 2016

ABE GIBSON POET     Speaker/ performer: Abe Gibson
Formerly Poet in Residence at London Transport Museum,Writer in Residence at Feltham Young Offenders Institute and Ronnie Scott Club performer, Abe has a formidable way with words, accents & mannerisms, and delights audiences with his charming, funny, acutely observed characters. As a caretaker on a Hackney Council estate for 25 years, he’s used this opportunity to closely study people from all walks of life and portrays them at least as well as many professional actors. Abe will explain how and why he writes and performs, and treat us to a rendition of some of his favourite poems. His poetry collection ‘Violently Tender’will be on sale. There is likely to be some (voluntary) audience participation.
Venue Epicentre, West Street, Leytonstone E11 4LJ 
Times 7.30 pm   Buffet (bring something if you can)  
           8.00 pm   Talk & discussion till 10pm

Travel Stratford stations & 257 bus  Leytonstone tube (exit left) & 257/W14 bus   Overground: Leytonstone High Rd, turn right and short walk

Access  Disabled access, car park, bikes can be brought in, quiet children welcome. You can phone to confirm the talk will be as shown. Meetings open to all - just turn up.
Enquiries  0208 555 5248   Free entry / voluntary donations welcome / raffle
donations welcome / raffle

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