Friday 24 June 2016

Art exhibition - Home

There’s no place like home- A Call to Residents
Local resident Nat Di Maggio is curating a new summer exhibition at The Mill called "HOME." It's exploring how amazing our little piece of the world really is and why so many of us have chosen to live here. Home is an emotive thing, people have been inspired to paint, draw, write poetry and wax lyrical in many paintings & songs about what it means to them. It’s about more than bricks and mortar, it’s about community, connection and a sense of belonging, it’s not just a place, it’s a feeling. They are looking for residents to share what it means to you to be part of Walthamstow in this way through your Art and participate in this summer exhibition at The Mill which runs 14 July - 2 September. For more information and to take part please email Nat.

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