Saturday 11 June 2016

EU Debate

To: astannard01@gmail.com

Stella Creasy

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the EU But Were Afraid to Ask: Public Meeting on the European Referendum with Seb Dance MEP and Stella Creasy MP


Hello Friend,
With less than sixteen days to go until Britain makes a choice that will define the future of our nation, I am writing to invite you to a special public rally on Tuesday 14 June with Seb Dance MEP as part of the Labour In Campaign to keep Britain in the EU. This meeting will be held at 8pm at the Quaker Meeting House on Jewel Road in Walthamstow.
To RSVP to attend this event please click here
Across Walthamstow residents have asked me about Labour's position on the European Union and why as our local MP I'm backing the campaign to remain. This event is your opportunity to ask myself and our London MEP Seb Dance questions, raise concerns and find out for yourself what leaving – or remaining - in the European Union would do for Walthamstow and for Britain. All local residents are welcome so please feel free to share this invite with neighbours, friends and family in our community to help them decide how to vote on Thursday 23 June.  This event is free to attend but to help us with the logistics please reply to this email to confirm your attendance. 

With jobs, national security, action on climate change and international development as well as your rights in the workplace at stake, don't miss your opportunity to have your say on this critical decision for our country - I look forward to seeing you there.
Stella Creasy, Labour and Cooperative MP for Walthamstow

P.S. If you would like to help me campaign for Britain to stay in the European Union please do get in touch! 

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