Saturday 11 June 2016

Lee Valley Ice Rink - uodate

From Stella Creasy MP's Newsletter

Lea Valley Ice Rink- Update
This week I have been informed by the Lea Valley Regional Park Authority, that following the consultation period on the future of the ice rink they consider there to be a strong business case for a new twin pad ice centre in the Lea Valley at the existing centre on Lea Bridge Road. Lea Valley Regional Park Authority are aware that there is some local feeling around this project with concerns that any new venue may impact adversely on Leyton Marsh.

They have reassured me that it is their intention that the redevelopment of this popular and important community asset takes place within a curtilage which doesn’t see the new venue encroach north onto Leyton Marshes. If the Board is minded to approve the current site for a new centre then the next stage of design will look closely at environmental impact and a host of detailed site studies. I will update residents on this proposal as and when I get more information on this matter via this e-newsletter and if you would like to see a copy of the LVRPA report on this matter please get in touch. 

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