Friday 19 August 2016

Woodhouse Players

To: WoodhousePlayers Membership <members@woodhouseplayers.co.uk>

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The Woodhouse Players present 'Up and Under' by John Godber -  2nd, 3rd, 9th and 10th September 2016.
"Here on the very playing fields of Castleford your eyes will gaze in awe at splendid sights unseen.....for here, upon this very stage, we see amateur Rugby League, a game of rebellion, born of divide in 1895. For the working class of the North, for the working class"

Up 'n' Under follows the story of an inept pub team from the Wheatsheaf Arms who play in 7 a-side league in the Hull area. Ex-pro Arthur's only passions in life are his wife and rugby league. 

When he bumps into his nemesis Reg, he is goaded into betting his life savings that he can train any team to beat the unstoppable gods of amateur rugby league - The Cobblers Arms. However, the 'Wheatsheaf Arms' can usually only muster a side of four. These guys are to Rugby League what Eddie The Eagle is to ski-jumping. Song, laughter, banter and live rugby on stage - come join our intrepid heroes as they struggle through adversity. 

Up 'n' Under is a comedy by John Godber, first staged at the Hull Truck Theatre in 1984. It won The Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Comedy that same year.

Not suitable for younger children. Mild sexual references and bad language.
Performance dates:
Performances are at the Welsh Church Hall, 881 Leytonstone High Road E11 1HR:
- Friday 2nd September at 8 pm
- Saturday 3rd September at 2:30 pm and 8 pm
- Friday 9th September at 8 pm
- Saturday 10th September at 2:30 pm (BSL-signed) and 8 pm

Ticket prices:
Advance booking (email/online/phone):  £8 (£5 concessions)
Pay on door (unbooked):  £9 (£6 concessions)

Book online via the website www.woodhouseplayers.co.uk
Phone/email reservations 020 8504 3872/ tickets@woodhouseplayers.co.uk

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