Friday 30 September 2016

News from Nowhere

News from Nowhere Club

Saturday October 8th 2016
What Does Local Community Action Really Mean?
Speaker: Jude Leighton
What are the possibilities & limitations of trying to transform the local area where you grew up? Jude has lived in Leytonstone all her life & has worked in several organisations, aiming to make a big difference to the quality of life of her neighbours. She has learnt several lessons through her struggles & will let us into her most recent thoughts & revelations, with a chance for the audience to contribute their own experiences & utopian desires.

Epicentre, West Street E11 4LJ

7.30 pm Buffet
8.00 pm Presentation and discussion
All welcome. Free entry.

Enquiries 0208 555 5248

Please note: I do not look at emails all the time, so if urgent, please phone me on 0208 555 5248.
Also, occasionally emails do not reach me. so please phone if I have not responded within a few days.

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