Friday 30 September 2016

Town Centre petition

The petition to stop Walthamstow Town Centre being wrecked by a 27 storey tower block and the loss of the open space is nearing 2,000 which will then be presented to the council.

After a meeting with Cabinet Member Cllr Coghill the council is clearly committed to further growth and have no objections to this totally unsuitable scheme. How does a 27 storey tower block compliment rows of 2 storey Victorian terraces and the popular market?

BHS has closed so what demand is there for more retail space?

If you want to stop this inappropriate development come and help gather signatures on the following days - it is very easy, people who stop always sign and those that walk on don't! In a 2 hour stint it is easy to get 60 plus signatures:

Wednesday 5th October 2pm to 4pm
Friday 7th October 3pm to 5pm

On the path between the bus station and the Mall.

Refurbishment of the Mall

Capital and County

27 Storey skyscraper

No affordable homes

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