Friday 21 October 2016

Refugee Children

From Stella Creasy MP's Newsletter

Walthamstow says Welcome: Help Find the Missing Refugee Children & Calais Donation Requests 

The fight to save the child refugees stuck in Calais continued this week as the Government finally accepted the case to act. On Wednesday during Prime Ministers Questions, I told Theresa May that 18 of the 178 children in the Calais refugee camp who have the right to be in the UK because they have family here have gone missing. The Government have known about these children since July 2016, and about a further 209 children who have the right to be in the UK under the Dubs amendment since September 2016.

I have written to the Prime Minister to offer her the details of these missing children to help identify them. Please write to her as well to join the call to find these children and urge her to safeguard the remaining unaccompanied child refugees in Calais as the evictions begin.
This process will require funding and so in the emergency debate on the fate of child refugees we held on Monday, I urged the Home Secretary to stop spending money on building walls in Calais and instead in the administration needed to process the papers so the children can come to the UK as soon as possible. A copy of our exchange can be viewed here.
Evictions in Calais are scheduled to start on the 24th October. There are over 10 000 people now facing a very long and unknown fate. To help them the Refugee Community Kitchen are urgently in need of:
  • Flapjack Bakes
  • Tins of tuna, red kidney beans, chick peas, coconut milk, tomatoes
  • Olive Oil and Honey (plastic containers only)
  • Dried fruit, cashews and almonds
  • Tea, Coffee, UHT Milk and Powdered Milk
  • Spices
Donations can be dropped off at The hornbeam Café, The Stow brothers Office, The Italian Deli, Debbie Bliss, Second Nature or KukooLaLa Cafe between Friday 14th October- Tuesday 25th October. For a large donation please contact Maud

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