Wednesday 2 November 2016

Mini Holland 2-11-16

Mini Holland

Cafe Style Walthamstow

The following work is now complete in the Shernhall Area
  • The pocket park at the junction of West Avenue Road/ St Mary Road
  • A raised table at the Church Hill/ Rectory Road junction to slow down vehicles
  • A new and improved cycle and pedestrian crossing at the Church Hill/ Folkestone Road junction
  • A new public space on Aubrey Road at its junction with Church Hill
  • A raised table at the junction of Church Hill/ Rectory Road
  • A modal filter (also known as a road closure) on Barrett Road
  • A raised table at the junction of the The Drive/ Prospect Hill, Church Hill/ Turner Road, Church Lane, Barrett Road and Additions Road to encourage vehicles to slow down when approaching the junction
  • Upgraded bus stops to make them accessible for all passengers
  • Widened and resurfaced pavements to make the area better for people who walk
  • A modal filter on Greville Road, including a new public space at the junction with Shernhall Street
  • A raised table on Shernhall Street at its junctions with Oliver Road and outside Henry Maynard Infants School.
But not at the top of Vallentin Road - still a death trap since the pedestrian refuges removed in October

Grid lock is looming
A lane has been removed at the Walthamstow Town Centre gyratory area at the top of Selborne Road. This will cause tailbacks along Hoe Street eventually impacting Lea Bridge Road where Mini Holland works are planned including the very delayed works to Whipps Cross Roundabout. Maybe avoid Walthamstow for the next 2 years - not sure what impact that may have on the plans for a 27 storey tower block and more shops!

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