Tuesday 8 November 2016

Support our local economy

Stella Creasy

Pleasure is spread through the earth
In stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find.
William Wordsworth, 1806
Hi Adrian,
Walthamstow is full of great places to find gifts and treats - that's why in the run up to Christmas, Hannukah and Eid 2016 I would love you help to find them!

To help promote our Walthamstow traders and shops we plan to produce a map of where you can find fantastic gifts around our community that we will be distributing for for free as well as online from early December onwards.

Please complete this short survey! 

This project is part of our We17 campaign to help support our local economy, following the impact of the Brexit vote, and is being created in partnership with the Wood Street Walls and StowInspired networks. There will also be a poster you can display to support this 'shop local' initiative too.

I would be grateful for your help encouraging anyone in Walthamstow who makes or sells gifts and treats to fill in this survey to help influence this project.

Please complete this short survey! 
We will be in touch with those who have expressed interest in being part of this initiative to let them know the next steps - please note completing this survey does not commit any business to participation or guarantee a spot on this map and it will only cover the Walthamstow constituency area.
The deadline for completion is Friday 11th November.

Thank you for your help with this project to support our local traders and give everyone a wonderful StowXmas!
Stella Creasy MP
Labour and Cooperative MP for Walthamstow
p.s. We already have a number of local sponsors who will be featured on this map - if you would also like to support this or help with this project please do get in touch! 

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