Friday 18 November 2016

Trump thoughts


President Trump: What Next? 

The election of President Trump has caused shockwaves around the world. Combined with the vote to leave the European Union, this year has set out a generational challenge for us all to address not only these specific events, but also the impact of the cultural and political divides that have been exposed and which will define what is ahead for ourselves and our families. In the last few days many residents in Walthamstow have written to me about these issues and expressed their concerns about the future.

There can be no doubt change has to happen but how we respond will define whether we lead that or become broken by it. We can either cower in despair alone as fear and hate are encouraged, or or stand up together in dignity for what we believe and work for a better world. It may feel impossibly hard this week but as your MP I will always choose to believe progress can be made and in the possibility that if we never give up on each other the future is worth fighting for.

I recognise that many residents may feel angry and want someone to blame- the difficult reality is that leaving tackling these divisions to someone else or shouting at each other will achieve little. All of us must play our part and do so with a willingness to find common cause and find common purpose even when this takes us out of our previously cherished comfort zones. Calm, courage and compassion are the foundations of the solidarity and focus on action we need - it's too important now to be or do anything else. If you would like to be part of working in this way on projects for our community and our country in the coming months please do get in touch. 

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