Monday 5 December 2016

News from Nowhere Club


News From Nowhere Club
invites you to our next meeting on
Saturday 10th December 2016
MPs & Government Ministers!
How to Arm-Twist Them
Speaker: Ron Bailey
‘They may act like they're invincible, but they're not. They may think they can ignore you & do what they want willynilly, but you can stop them. They say politics is about power & it can be: NOT their power but the power YOU can have. Are all politicians the same? Well, they can be when they've got their arm twisted behind their back & held damn firmly by YOU.  I can tell you a few methods of doing this.  Things I‘ve done. Things that had one MP's wife on the phone to mine for half an hour begging her to get us to stop our campaign 'against her poor husband/MP.' Things that prevented another MP from referring to me without a hurl of abuse because I organised 50,000 leaflets to be put through every door in his constituency accusing him of actions that helped rape to happen - & most importantly, things that made them back down! Remember - they want you to get fed up & go away. Don't give them what they want!’ Ron is Head of Parliamentary Affairs, Sustainable Energy Association. He lived in Leytonstone many moons ago.
Venue: Epicentre, West Street E11 4LJ (Stratford or Leytonstone tube & 257 bus)
7.30pm Buffet
8.00pm Talk
All welcome / free, just turn up / enquiries 0208 555 5248
The News from Nowhere Club meets
on the second Saturday night of each month.
2017 programme available from roskane@btinternet.com
or 0208 555 5248

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