Monday 5 December 2016

StowXmas map

From Stella Creasy MP's Newsletter

We17 Post Brexit Community Support Project: 

StowXmas Business Map Launch 3 December  

I'm delighted to announce that on the afternoon of the Saturday 3rd December we will be launching the StowXmas business map at the Tramworks in Central Walthamstow as part of Small Business Saturday. Walthamstow is full of great shops and traders who make fantastic gifts- this map has been created with the support of local designers and Wood Street Walls to showcase these businesses and encourage residents buy their festive gifts locally to support Walthamstow's economy. The map also doubles up as a poster to display to show your support for your local community and for this initiative. You can also access this resource online from 3 December too.

I'm grateful to East and Co, Tramworks and Parker Diaries who have kindly sponsored its production and to the milkmen who will be helping distribute it around Walthamstow in the coming days. This project was created by the We17 group to provide support for local businesses whose sales may be affected following the vote to leave the European Union - if you would like to be part of this group and attend the launch on the 3rd December as well as help distribute copies of this map around Walthamstow please do get in touch. 

Hi Adrian,
Can you help us spread the word about #StowXmas and so support our local small businesses this festive season?
#StowXmas is a map which has been produced to showcase many of our great traders in Walthamstow and to encourage residents to buy their gifts and treats locally.

It was created by We17 campaigners following the vote to leave the European Union, to help address concerns that our local economy and traders could suffer and can also be found online.
We are now asking local schools, faith organisations, community groups and stores to help us distribute this map locally. If you or your organisation would be willing to help – whether by handing out to pupils, displaying them in your premises or giving them to attendees at your group- please do reply to this email.
Furthermore, on Saturday 10th December the We17 group are are holding a ‘StowStory’ social event.

This afternoon will bring together members of the many different communities who have found a home in our area to tell their story about how they come to Walthamstow. It is intended to help support community cohesion and all Walthamstow residents are welcome to attend- if you would like to join this social event please do let me know and I will send further details.
Thank you in advance for your support in helping Walthamstow at this uncertain time to stay strong and stay together,
Stella Creasy MP
Labour and Cooperative MP for Walthamstow 

p.s. Please do also share the #StowXmas map online via www.stowxmas.com on your social media

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