Friday 20 January 2017

Save Lea Marshes Campaign

Sign the petition
Lea Valley Eastside

A huge thank you to everyone who emailed Members of the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority. 

leamarshes@gmail.com was copied in to over 200 emails, so we made our point loud and clear. Sadly, it didn't sway Members and the Land and Property Strategy was approved yesterday. The battle is far from over, however. In fact, it's just beginning, and I'm writing to ask for your help in two ways:

1) Can you attend the next meeting of the LVRPA?
This is the meeting where the LVRPA decides how it will formally respond to the Lea Valley Eastside vision. It is no surprise that officers have recommended that Authority Members support the vision (see http://www.leevalleypark.org.uk/en/content/cms/corporate/about-us/meeting-documents/authority-meetings/). From supporting the vision, it's a short hop, skip and jump to approving the development itself so we have to try our best to ensure it is not supported.
There was strong indication from a number of Members that they will oppose officer's recommendations and they asked us 'to pack the room' to support them.
Unfortunately, plans to hold the meeting in Walthamstow were changed at the last minute and it is taking place at 2pm on 26 January 2016 at Myddleton House, Bulls Cross, Enfield, EN2 9HG.
We need as many people as possible to attend this crucial meeting to demonstrate the depth of feeling against the plans. We understand that many people will be working but, if you are available, please do make the journey. Myddleton House can be reached by public transport; it's a 15 minute walk from the Turkey Street station on the London Overground network. Please email me through the petition or contact leamarshes@gmail.com if you need further information.

2) Write to Waltham Forest Council to object to the plan to rezone Metropolitan Open Land for housing
The petition, which has now been signed by over 4000 people, will send the London Borough of Waltham Forest a strong message, but we can amplify that message if we also write individual objections. I'll be in touch next week with a pro forma email you can send, but if you fancy writing your own objection in the meantime, it should be sent to leabridgeandleytonconsultation@walthamforest.gov.uk.
Thank you so much for your continued support.

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