Friday 17 February 2017

St Peter's redevelopment

 From Stella Creasy MP's Newsletter

St Peter-in-the-Forest Redevelopment Update: HLF Funding for Restoration 

The church of St Peter-in-the-Forest, Walthamstow has received initial support from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for the project, ‘St Peter’s: A Unique Forest Church’. The project aims to restore and remodel parts of this uniquely-sited church to open up the building and its heritage to the whole community.  HLF has awarded initial development funding of £117,500 to help the church to progress their plans to apply for a full grant from them, at a later date. The Grade II Listed church is on the Heritage-at-Risk Register and needs urgent restoration.

The project will look to correct serious damage caused by the 1950s extension and replace it with a new glazed welcome space to reconnect the church with the surrounding Forest.  New facilities and a remodelled interior will create flexible community and gallery spaces, open up the historic bell tower and make the building more environmentally-friendly. There will also be some works externally to the church, which will include new lighting, new boundary treatments and work to the existing trees in the churchyard. You can keep upto date with this project and opportunities to be involved as it progresses via the church blog here. 

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