Monday 20 March 2017

13 Storey block for Strettons

Waltham Forest Civic Society 

By email only to wfcivicsociety@gmail.com 16 March 2017 Our ref: bt/02 

Dear Ms Munday, 

Proposals for the redevelopment of Strettons Central House 

I am writing to you on behalf Strettons, a UK Top 30 property advisory firm, to inform you of our emerging plans to redevelop our head offices at Central House in Walthamstow. Strettons has long been committed to Waltham Forest, having first established a presence here in 1937 before expanding into Central House in 1992. This building is no longer fit for purpose, with insufficient space and an inefficient layout and needing substantial work to bring it to a modern standard, to allow us to continue to grow. Working with award-winning architects Allies and Morrison, our proposals will see a high quality mixed development with an office for Strettons and a new hotel by award-winning provider Premier Inn. These plans will enable us to continue to thrive within the borough and contribute to the wider economy while playing an important role in shaping the area’s ongoing regeneration. The design includes buildings at five storeys for the new office and 13 storeys for the 112 bedroom hotel with a ground floor restaurant. Premier Inn has a strong track record of employing locally and the plans will deliver up to 35 new full and part time jobs. The development will create a vibrant and attractive entrance to enliven the space across the two buildings and strengthen the appeal of Walthamstow as a destination and thriving town centre. We believe our plans reinforce the Council’s commitment to invest in local businesses and vision to strengthen Walthamstow as the borough’s major town centre. We will be holding a public exhibition in the coming weeks which will be an opportunity to view our proposals and speak to the project team. We have appointed London Communications Agency (LCA) to assist us with the public consultation and a member of the team would be happy to arrange a briefing or provide you with more information. Further details of the exhibition will also be made available in due course. In the meantime if you have any questions, please do contact LCA on centralhouse@londoncommunications.co.uk. 

Kind regards, 
Yours sincerely, 
Benjamin Tobin BSc FRICS

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