Friday 17 March 2017

Library Consultation Update

Library Local Consultation

13 March 2017

Thank you for your response to our Library Local consultation and for your interest in being ‘actively involved’.

The consultation closed on 31 January 2017 and the Council is now preparing a detailed briefing that will be part of the report that is presented to Cabinet. It had been hoped that this report could be presented at Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet in March 2017. We received over 2000 responses and we have asked Scrutiny that the Scrutiny meeting be rescheduled to allow the results of the consultation to be considered in more detail. This will not be before June 2017.

We have had an overwhelming response from library users and local residents who would like to get more involved with their local library. Over the next few months we will be exploring options and scoping out what that involvement would look like.

Thank you for your patience will be in touch as soon as possible after the Cabinet decision.

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