Monday 12 June 2017

E17 Art Trail

E17 Art Trail

E17 Art Trail: Mapping our twittens, treasuring our byways
Lastly, I just wanted to mention another project I’m involved with. 'Mapping our twitters, treasuring our byways' will be exhibiting at the Vestry House Museum as part of the E17 Art Trail. The artwork shows local people’s efforts, over the last year, to identify all the footpaths in Waltham Forest, with a view to getting them recognised on the borough’s official rights of way map. If you’re nearby, do pop along.
The museum is open from 10am to 5pm from Wednesday to Sunday, and there are other exhibitors nearby if you want to have a bit of a wander: http://e17arttrail.co.uk/trail-guide/. David Boote will also be hosting a walk to accompany the exhibition, from 3pm-4pm on Sunday 4 June.

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