Monday 12 June 2017

St Peter's Redevelopment

n Invitation to 'St Peter’s: A Unique Forest Church’ Workshop

Join us on June 20th at Peterhouse Centre at 4pm or 6pm

Meet Katy Marks, Architect and the Project Team

Find out more about our plans and tell us about your ideas for the project

St Peter’s-in-the-Forest is entering an exciting phase in the life of the church.church. We are improving and expanding our Grade II Listed church building to secure its long-term future, see increased engagement and greater use by the community. An exciting and diverse heritage project will run alongside the new build, restoration and reordering of the church building so that people can learn about, enjoy and participate in activities that reflect the history and stories of St Peter’s.

On Tuesday June 20th we are holding a series of workshops where you can hear more about the project, meet the architect and the project team, visit the church and tell us about your ideas for greater use of the church that would support our vision and benefit your organisation.

The workshops will take place at 4pm and 6pm and will last for an hour and a half. Refreshments will be provided. Whether you are interested in performance, health, the environment and wildlife, family history, music, learning, art, poetry or creative writing, heritage, cultural activities, architecture, the forest, church yards or worship at the church we would like to meet you.

We appreciate that we may have already consulted with some of you on an individual basis but would like to offer you the opportunity to meet the architect, project team and other interested parties. We hope you can join us at the workshops and find out more about the plans for the church and offer your thoughts and ideas on the project.

Please let me know if you are able to attend one of the workshops at allanrrandall6@gmail.com

We look forward to meeting you

The Project Team

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