Thursday 24 August 2017

Campaign Bootcamp

Applications for an amazing training opportunity run by our friends at Campaign Bootcamp are open, and there's only a couple weeks left to apply!
Campaign Bootcamp is a week-long residential training that gives activists the confidence, skills and community they need to run effective campaigns. After the week of training is over, graduates get access to a mentor, follow-up events and a thriving network of support.
If you want to nurture your campaigns, this is the training for you.
Are you interested in applying? This will be the last residential training of 2017. It'll run from Monday 16th October - Saturday 21st October 2017. The deadline to apply is 9am on Tuesday 22nd August. Click here to find out more and apply. 
Or maybe you know people who might benefit from our training? 
A group fighting for change in their community that needs support? 
An activist that needs a confidence boost? 
A campaigner living far from a lively activist scene?
If so, please encourage them to apply by forwarding this email on to campaigners and activist groups you love. We have loads of scholarships available to make sure that no one is priced out of attending. 
More than 60% of applicants come on a full or partial scholarship - that means for most people, training, food, accommodation and travel is free! 
If you have any questions about Bootcamp, just drop their Community and Training Coordinator, Tamara-Jade, an email at hello@campaignbootcamp.org.
Thank you and happy campaigning!
Tricia and the team at SumOfUs

PS: The Campaign Bootcamp programme starts with six days of residential training and is followed up with a year's worth of community support, mentoring and a community conference. Here’s the full list of scholarships you can apply for:
  • The Housing Justice Scholarship: For housing activists who have direct experience of housing problems in the UK
  • The Trust for London Scholarship: For activists campaigning on inequality and/or poverty in London
  • The Cleaner Air Scholarship: For cleaner air activists in the UK based outside of London.
  • The Greenpeace Scholarship: For environmental activists in the UK.
  • The Refugee and Asylum Seekers Scholarship: For refugee or asylum seeking activists in the UK campaigning on any issue.
  • The UNICEF Scholarship For Young Campaigners: For campaigners aged 18 - 21 in the UK.
  • The Shami Chakrabarti Scholarship For BME Campaigners: For campaigners of colour / BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) campaigners in the UK, with some funding specifically allocated for those campaigning outside of London.
  • The Susan Cook Scholarship for Disabled people: For disabled activists in the UK campaigning on any issue.
  • The Jo Cox Memorial Scholarship: For women (trans, intersex or cis) who campaign in the UK.
  • The General Scholarship: This is a broad scholarship that can go to LGBTQ campaigners, working class campaigners, campaigners with mental health problems, campaigners of colour / BME campaigners, feminist campaigners and more

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