Thursday 24 August 2017

North Hub

From: Emma Tozer <E.Tozer@ageukwalthamforest.org.uk>
Sent: 19 July 2017 08:57
Subject: Please help us to save our building
As you may have heard – LBWF wishes to terminate our lease early and to close the North Hub to build flats on the site.

This has come as quite a shock – we signed a 5 year lease in October 2016. We only found out about the plans as I was trying to negotiate an extension to the lease. Other than one email from LBWF stating they are disposing of the site we have had no further communications. We are working with the local ward councillors (who have been very supportive) to try and move discussions forward.

I must stress that Age UK WF and Reaching Out East as organisations are NOT ceasing to function but are having to plan how we will deliver services in the borough. You will appreciate that  we have both worked very hard to make the North Hub a success and a valuable resource for the community. In addition to our own activities we have the Crest Day Care Services, WF Parkinson’s Group, WF Low Vision Form  and the Nelft Falls Prevention Services all using the building too.

What you can do to help:

Paper copies will be available from the Hub soon

·         Write to your local Waltham Forest MP – ask them to represent your concerns about this decision and  to follow up with the council to find out more

Best wishes
Emma Tozer
Chief Executive
Age UK Waltham Forest

Waltham Forest Resource Hub North
58 Hall Lane
E4 8EU

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