Friday 15 September 2017

Brexit Meeting

Brexit.jpgHi Adrian,
Tonight, the UK parliament will vote on the EU Withdrawal Bill.

As someone who has been in touch with me regarding Brexit I wanted to let you know I will be voting against this bill.

This bill would give the Government the power to change laws through small committees of MPs, without asking Parliament to approve these measures.

As the Government have sought to use such committee structures before to secure controversial laws - such as removing student maintenance grants, changing tax credits and extending fracking- their pledge not to exploit these powers does not withhold scrutiny.

I believe this bill is so ill thought out and bad for our democracy that it should be rejected outright - Brexit cannot be used an excuse for such a power grab by our executive.

Despite there being less than 20 months to go before we leave the European Union, the Government continues to refuse to provide information about their negotiations on Brexit or to involve the public in responding to the proposals about our future relationship with Europe.

Join our Walthamstow event on Brexit and the economy.

To help address this democratic deficit and involve Walthamstow residents in these debates, residents have organised the first of our local seminars on Brexit and the economy on Thursday 21st September at 6.30pm.

Join our Walthamstow event on Brexit and the economy.

We will be hearing from national experts as well as local residents and at the end of this event residents will then identify their priorities for the Brexit negotiations which I will commit to raising in Parliament - its free for any Walthamstow resident to take part so please do share this invitation with anyone else interested in this subject. 

Join our Walthamstow event on Brexit and the economy.

If you don't receive my weekly updates which include details of the ongoing discussions on Brexit in parliament please sign up for my weekly e-newsletter here. 

Stella Creasy MP
Labour and Cooperative MP for Walthamstow

p.s. Keep upto date with what is happening in Parliament by signing up to my weekly e-newsletter here.

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