Friday 22 September 2017

Leyton Marshes

Hi everyone
While we managed to convince the London Borough of Waltham Forest that the Waterworks Centre and surrounding land should not be rezoned for housing, it is still designated as a 'possible regeneration opportunity' in the revised version of the Lea Valley Eastside Vision. And, far more worryingly, the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (LVRPA), who own the land, have announced that they do definitely plan to develop it (https://leevalleyicecentre.commonplace.is/about). I think this is wrong, and I am asking for your help to fund a court case to stop them.
To find out more about our legal plans, and to support our case, please go to: https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/stop-the-lvrpa-developing-metropolitan-open-land/
I hope you can help.
With thanks for all your support.
Abigail Woodman


I'm writing to thank everyone who has supported our CrowdJustice campaign so far (www.crowdjustice.com/case/stop-the-lvrpa-developing-metropolitan-open-land/). We reached our initial target of £1750 in under one week. What a way to send a message to the LVRPA: we won't let you sell our green open spaces! 

£1750 will help us pay for the initial work on a case and pay court fees. A stretch target has now popped up, and we'll keep the page open for donations, but I'll be back in touch with more information about the next steps - and what we need to raise to achieve them - as soon as the LVRPA makes its next move.

I hope you all have great weekend. You are amazing, and I really can't thank you enough for the support.


Abigail Woodman started this campaign on the 38 Degrees Campaigns by Youwebsite. If there's an issue close to your heart that you'd like to campaign on, you can start your campaign here.

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