Friday 1 September 2017

Lobby Housing Summit

Hi Comrades and Friends

I recently contacted WFTC Housing Action Network about the Housing Summit to be held next Wednesday 6th September at the Town Hall Forest Rd.

This is not about council homes for social rent, but unaffordable so-called "affordable" homes.

One of our campaigners Ben Morris has discovered "the keynote speakers are not local tenants or residents campaigning for affordable housing. Heaven forbid. One is Mark Vlessing - former investment banker now making a killing as CEO of property developer "Pocket Living" who build pocket-sized "modular" homes ("smaller than a tube carriage" and made off site) for "only" 80% of general market price. Mark likes building flats he considers "affordable" for people who he considers poor: i.e. "earning less than £90,000 a year", which of course looks desperately poor if you are an investment banker or CEO of a property company. Pocket Living were favourites of Boris Johnson, who gave them an interest free £21m loan, and then Sadiq Khan came along and gave them another £25m loan. Seamless. 

The other main speaker is Paul Hackett, Chair of G15 - representing the largest 15 housing associations, who are everywhere forgetting the original mission of Housing Associations and behaving like property developers offering "Shared ownership" misnamed "affordable housing" and provide handsome profits for themselves and the city lenders behind them. These shared ownership are being celebrated by the Mayor of London and local politicians as "affordable" when in fact they are more expensive than private rented accommodation in the area (after paying a hefty deposit - £1200pcm for a 1-bed and around £1600 for a 2-bed).There will also be a speaker from Legal and General - who are now looking to get into build-to-let in a big way.

Several other campaigners have now responded, so we are calling a lobby. Also making an appeal to people in housing need to come along and tell their stories on an open mic. Councillors and developers must be made aware of the terrible experiences that many people, particularly families, have to go through - watching thousands of homes being built - but only a very few for the thousands in housing need in the borough.

Wednesday 6th September
8.15 -  930AM (the summit is due to go on until the afternoon)

I will bring the WFTC banner and some leaflets. I will let the local Guardian know too.

Borough residents are desperate for council homes at social rent, or private houses/flats to be let under strict rent controls.

Please come along to the lobby and stay as long as you can. 


Also, please note that, after talks, the Unite Bart's strike has been postponed from Monday 4th to Monday 11th September.

And please don't forget the Fundraiser for the strikers at the Star of India on September 7th. See previous email

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