Friday 1 September 2017

Mini Holland 1-9-17


Whipps Cross Roundabout

Original post by Anthony Bootle from North Leyton (19 replies):
Could somebody kindly advise upon the alterations to this roundabout

Reply form Simon Munk London Cycling Campaign Infrastructure Campaigner


Simon MunkWood Street
Wow. Really folks. Really, take a long hard look at yourselves...
1. The modelling for the transition from the roundabout to the signals doesn't show significant delays for vehicles - this isn't a small win for a few people cycling at massive costs to motorists. This is a massive win for people who might cycle and are currently too scared to (that's most of London's population BTW), at a tiny cost to motorists (around half of Walthamstow and Leyton's households have no car).
2. The roundabout is clearly dangerous - just because East/West Ave are also dangerous, and other bits of Lea Bridge Road are too dangerous, doesn't mean the roundabout isn't. It's also utterly hostile to everyone - including drivers. Any driver who tells me they haven't had a terrifying near miss on there is, as far as I'm concerned, either a terrible driver or a liar.
3. Some cyclists run red lights and indeed a tiny tiny number knock over and kill people. Yes. It's true. Care to guess the proportion of rule-breaking cyclists compared to rule-breaking motorists though? It's about the same, funnily enough. Care now to guess the proportion of cyclists that severely injure or kill anyone else ever? Now care to guess the same for motorists? It's vastly different. So if you want to solve road danger, you can point a finger at the one cyclist who kills someone in the UK around every two years, or the hundreds, thousands, killed by motorists. Get some perspective, show some empathy, and stop trying to point the finger at others to avoid looking at your own behaviour and what we all, collectively most need.
4. No one pays "road tax" (you pay for emissions - as do cyclists, horse riders and electric vehicle owners) and the reason insurance isn't compulsory for cycling (similarly tests), is because the amount of damage cyclists do is so small that it isn't worth any government compelling people to do that stuff - any scheme would cost too much. Again, stop trying to make it all about "well cyclists do this" or "no cyclist gets any improvement to their lot until all of them behave" or even "no one cycles". It's a diversion tactic.
5. All the evidence is that the schemes in so far aren't gentrification (Blackhorse area, hello) and aren't causing congestion - that's just way too many people driving around our area and more and more people living here.
6. Finally, the council is making changes to our roads that very marginally inconvenience the minority of us that drive, for the benefit of the majority. The majority who say they'd cycle and walk more (and evidence shows do cycle and walk more) when they feel able to - when road conditions are safe enough. Enabling those folks to do more cycling and walking means fewer cars in front of you, less congestion, and less pollution. Crucially, with 1/3 of our primary kids leaving school obese, then more walking and cycling tackles inactivity.

Dear Resident / Business owner, 
RE: Lea Bridge Road improvements update – Section H 
We are writing to update you about the next stage of works in preparation for converting the Whipps Cross roundabout to a T-junction. Back in February this year, we wrote to let you know we would be conducting preliminary works around the Wood Street junction with Lea Bridge Road. Preliminary works around the existing roundabout will start on Monday 14 August 2017 which are expect to be completed by October 2017, weather permitting. The upcoming work around the junction is the second phase of converting the Whipps Cross roundabout into a signalised T- junction. The works is being staged to reduce the impact of construction on the road network. This stage of work will include, but not limited to, ducting, relocating lighting columns, repairs / replacement to the existing foul sewers, and removal of some of the traffic islands. While the majority of these preliminary works will not impact on traffic flow, some works will occur in the carriageway which will require short term partial lane closures which may impact journey times on Lea Bridge Road. You may wish to adjust your travel, and share this information with your visitors, customers and suppliers. To allow the work to take place safely with as little disruption as possible, please look out for signs along the road to warn drivers of the disruption, as well as pedestrian and cycle diversions if needed. The existing Whipps Cross roundabout will remain operational during this second stage of works. We will be doing everything we can to keep disruption to a minimum, and will provide regular updates on our webpage, http://www.enjoywalthamforest.co.uk/lea-bridge-road/cons-upd/. This will help you, friends, family and visitors plan journeys, and if you are a business, help your customers and suppliers to plan journeys during the work. If you require further information or have any questions relating to the scheme please:  Visit www.enjoywalthamforest.co.uk/lea-bridge-road  Email enjoy@walthamforest.gov.uk  Call 020 8496 3000 Kind regards, Vala Valavan Director of Highways and Traffic Management 

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