Friday 27 October 2017

Hornbeam Appeal

From Stella Creasy MP's Newsletter

Help the Hornbeam Centre Help Walthamstow - Crowdfunder Appeal 1

The Hornbeam Centre on Hoe Street in Walthamstow is a hub in our community. Through its events and projects it supports many disadvantaged groups in our area.  Hornbeam nights runs social and environmental change workshops, Pop up supper clubs and Live music events supporting local businesses, aspiring chefs and musicians and workshop facilitators. 
They would love to continue providing a space to share skills and help one another and have set up crowd funding campaign to help achieve this goal. They are trying to raise £5000 to be able to provide the equipment these events require. The campaign has under 30 days to go and with only 15% of the target reached they are asking local residents for help to ensure the Hornbeam can continue to be a thriving community base here in Walthamstow. Please visit their crowdfunding page here.

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