Friday 1 December 2017

Charlie Brown's Roundabout

Dear Sir or Madam

Between 30 June and 4 August 2017, we consulted on proposals to provide safer crossing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists on the Charlie Brown’s Roundabout in Redbridge. Thank you for taking part.

We received 462 responses to the consultation. 452 responses were from members of the public and ten were from stakeholders. 84 per cent of the responses supported or strongly supported the proposed changes, 3 per cent neither supported nor opposed them, while 9 per cent opposed or strongly opposed them. 3 per cent didn’t answer.
After considering all of the responses, we have decided to go ahead with the scheme as proposed. We plan to start implementing the changes in summer 2018.

For more details, including a full consultation report, please go to 

Yours faithfully cid:image003.png@01D36462.48D0C350
Gavin Clark
Consultation Team
Transport for London

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