Friday 5 January 2018

Town Centre Battle Continues.....

Mount Anvil

11TH JANUARY 2018 at 7.30pm
The next meeting of Waltham Forest Trades Council’s housing campaign will take place in the light of decisions made by the Planning Committee tonight.
We invite all those interested in fighting the onslaught of corporate developers, privateers and all those councillors who take their side. We call on all who want to see a mass council house building programme aimed at those in real housing need and at truly affordable rents (often called social rents).

1.      The Monster Block – what next?
2.      What’s the best way to take the fight to the local council elections?

 WF Trades Council launched its Housing Action Network more than two years ago.
In 2015 we organised a demonstration in the borough to protest at rising private rents. We continue to support tenants in the regenerations at Fred Wigg and John Walsh Towers, also Marlowe Road; we help people affected by the “bedroom tax”, and those placed in temporary accommodation out of borough; we have campaigned against the monster block proposed for the top of the market, and now the Lea Side development. Throughout 2016 we played an important role in preventing greedy landlords from evicting Butterfields tenants, and campaigned successfully with the families to stay in their homes.

Contact WFTC  wftradescouncil@gmail.com or 07952283558

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