Friday 9 March 2018

William Morris Ward Association

Subject: William Morris Ward Association

Dear Councilor Williams,
Thank you for showing an interest in the William Morris Ward Association.
We are having a preliminary meeting on the 27th February 2- 5pm at Priory Court Community Centre to set out an Agenda for the first official meeting, a date to be arranged.
The purpose of the meeting is to get to know each other, to raise issues/concerns/ideas for future discussion as well as discuss how you would like the Association to work/represent.
We will elect a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Assistant Secretary and to arrange for the development of a constitution and a Website.
Refreshments will be laid on.
We are going to hold our first Social event of 2018 to coincide with William Morris’ Birthday on Saturday March 24th.
We will be at William Morris Gallery on Saturday 24th from 2.30pm to 4.30pm and would like to invite all to come and have a cup of tea and cake with us to celebrate William Morris’ Birthday.
We want to use this event to get to know so many more people in our area and develop a network of volunteers who want to organise/help with our future events. 
So come along, have a cup of tea and cake and talk to us about how we can work together to put on some exciting events in the next year including a big William Morris’ Birthday Celebration in 2019.  Do pass this on to all your contacts as we would like to meet as many residents as possible.
We look forward to seeing you on February 27th and/or on March 24th, however can you please email me if you are not able to attend. Thank you.
Best regards
Peter Stanton (Temporary Chair)
William Morris Ward Association

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