Tuesday 22 May 2018

Blackhorse Point Consultation

Blackhorse Point Consultation

TfL is selling Blackhorse Road station to Barratt Homes to build 350 flats - here are my comments about the consultation:

Blackhorse Point
Comments on Consultation held at the Mill on 16-5-18.
Developer – Barratt London
350 flats 50% affordable

1.       Car Park – if people are to be encouraged to use public transport removing car parks from stations is not going to help. Waiting for a bus, particularly in the winter, will not incentivise the use of the underground. The car parking space should be retained and the building constructed over the car park similar to Walthamstow Gateway at Walthamstow Central car park.

2.       Infrastructure – Currently there are thousands of new homes being constructed in Walthamstow particularly between Tottenham Hale and Walthamstow Central (Tottenham Lock, Forest Road, Mannequin House, Mandora,  Eclipse, South Grove, Walthamstow Brewery, Walthamstow Gateway etc.) Over 4,000 flats which means at least 10,000 more people in the area.

The Victoria Line is already at capacity and most of the new construction work has not yet been occupied so how will the line cope with severe overcrowding? Travellers further down the line will have no chance of getting on a train, particularly in the rush hour.

We would argue there is no spare capacity on the roads, public transport, health services etc. for another development. Blackhorse Point has come along too late and could be the “straw that breaks the camel’s back!” At some point residents will not be able to get around because of the congestion on the transport network.

3.       Social Housing – there is a huge need for social housing to house the work force this area will need once these buildings are completed. As this site is owned by TfL the site should be reserved for social housing to ensure the workforce does not have to commute long distances to get to work. There are already too many expensive flats being built and not enough to allow lower paid workers to live near their work.

4.       Balconies – we would urge all balconies to be internal and not protrude as they are usually used as storage and look an eyesore if they protrude from the building.

5.       Design – the current 6 blocks ranging from 6 to 17 design is bland, uninteresting and is not suitable for such a gateway site as this. The Student accommodation in the exciting Mannequin House next door sets a good example on what exciting and interesting architecture can achieve. The height is not compatible with the surrounding Victorian terraces.

6.       View from Walthamstow Wetlands – currently Mannequin house creates a good back drop to the urban environment when viewed from Walthamstow Wetlands, but this view will be blocked by Blackhorse Point which is a very dreary design adding nothing to the street scene or long distance views.

7.       Shops – with thousands more people moving in to the area what provision is being made for day to day shopping?  This site only provides 836sq m which is barely enough space for 3 shops.

8.       Amenity Space – the central courtyard is too small to provide enough space for future residents to be able to use in good weather.

This scheme is bland and uninteresting and more importantly does not provide the social housing which is so desperately needed. I am lucky to own a 5 bedroom semi detached house in Upper Walthamstow and need to downsize, but from what I can make out the price of flats are such that I cannot afford to downsize which shows the mess the housing market is in.

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